Dissertation Advisory Committee

The Dissertation Advisory Committee D 01.15.01 works at the State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”, (order of the Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission dated December 12, 2016 № 343).


Leonid G. Krasnevskiy,

D. Sc. in Eng., Prof., 05.02.02, 05.05.03

Nikolay N. Ishin,
Deputy Chair

D. Sc. in Eng., Assoc. Prof., 01.02.06, 05.02.02, 05.05.03

Alexander V. Kovalenko,
Scientific Secretary

Ph. D. in Eng., Assoc. Prof., 01.02.06

Vladimir E. Antonyuk

D. Sc. in Eng., 01.02.06, 05.02.02

Alexander G. Bakhanovich

D. Sc. in Eng., Assoc. Prof., 01.02.06, 05.02.02, 05.05.03

Dmitriy A. Dubovik

D. Sc. in Eng., 01.02.06, 05.02.02, 05.05.03

Pavel L. Mariev

D. Sc. in Eng., 05.05.03

Sergey V. Kharitonchik

D. Sc. in Eng., Assoc. Prof., 01.02.06, 05.05.03

The Dissertation Advisory Committee D 01.15.01 is affirmatively authorized to conduct defenses of D. Sc. (Ph. D.) theses on the following specialties and branches of knowledge:

  • 01.02.06 – dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment (engineering sciences);
  • 05.02.02 – science of machines, drive systems and machine components (engineering sciences);
  • 05.05.03 – wheeled and tracked vehicles (engineering sciences).



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e-mail: bats@ncpmm.bas-net.by