Academic Council

Bureau of the Department of Physical-Engineering Sciences of the NAN of Belarus
Protocol dated February 2, 2024 № 2

of the State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Sergey N. Poddubko

Ph.D. in Eng., Director General, Chair of the Academic Council

Oleg M. Yelovoy

Ph. D. in Eng., Deputy Director General for Research and Innovations, Deputy Chair of the Academic Council

Aliaksei V. Shmialiou

Ph. D. in Eng., Deputy Director General for Research, Deputy Chair of the Academic Council

Alexander V. Kovalenko

Ph.D. in Eng., Scientific Secretary, Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council

Anton A. Ananchikov

Ph. D. in Eng., Head of the Laboratory, Chair of the Council of Young Scientists

Vladimir E. Antonyuk

D. Sc. in Eng., Chief Researcher

Vladimir L. Basiniuk

D.Sc. in Eng., Chief of the R&D Center

Alexander V. Belevich

Deputy Director General for Highly Automated Electric Transport

Marat A. Belotserkovsky

D. Sc. in Eng., Head of the Laboratory

Petr A. Vityaz

Academician of the NAS of Belarus, D. Sc. in Eng., Head of the Department of Space Activities of the Apparatus of the NAS of Belarus

Dmitriy A. Dubovik

D. Sc. in Eng., Chief of the R&D Center

Viktor I. Zhornik

D. Sc. in Eng., Head of the Department — Head of the Laboratory

Nikolay N. Ishin

D. Sc. in Eng., Chief of the R&D Center

Leonid G. Krasnevskiy

Corresponding Member of the NAS of Belarus, D. Sc. in Eng., Chief Researcher

Vladimir A. Kukareko

D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., Head of the Center

Vladimir V. Savchenko

Ph. D. in Eng., Head of the Department

Sergey G. Sandomirski

D. Sc. in Eng., Head of the Laboratory

Sergey D. Tarasenko

Deputy Director General for Ideological Work

Alla I. Khomenkova

Deputy Head of the Department, Chair of the Trade Union Committee

Aliaksandr E. Charapko

Deputy Director General for General Issues


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